August 21, 2011

8 months

Tinsley, you are 8 months old!  We cannot believe how quickly the time is passing.  You bring so much happiness into all of our lives and we love you more everyday!  Watching you grow and discover new things is more fun than we could have ever imagined.

-         You are wearing 6-9 month clothing in dresses and some brands.  You are wearing 12 month pajamas and onesies.  You are so long!
-         You go to sleep between 8 and 9 p.m.  On occasion, you will sleep for a 9-10 hour stretch.  Most nights though, you wake up around 4 and have a bottle and go back to sleep for a few hours.  You still wake up occasionally around 1 for a bottle as well.  I think you are working on another tooth and that is causing a little bit of disruption in your sleep.
-         You are still the “cat-nap” queen!  Somedays you take several 30 minute naps a day.  You will also occasionally take a good nap for around 2 hours.  You normally do this at Grandmom and Granddad’s.  You like to nap in your swing while Granddad naps on the couch. J
-         You still have one lone “pearly white”.  As I said before, I think we will have another tooth in no time!
-         You are really starting to master crawling! 
-         You are starting to push up on your feet with your hands on the ground. 
-         You roll around and push up in your bed at night.  Grandmom and Granddad helped me lower your mattress on your bed last night because we are worried that we may have a little Houdini on our hands that will be attempting to escape her bed in no time! 
-         You still are not that interested in eating foods.  The ONLY food you will eat is apples, bananas and mixed cereal.  If we attempt anything else, it quickly gets regurgitated right back at us.  Lovely!
-         You have got such a personality!  You laugh out loud constantly.  You shake your head “no” at anything you do not like or do not want to do.  When we are dressing you, you shake your head “no”.  The other day, you rolled over close to your changing table, sat up and bumped your head and immediately started shaking your head “no”.  You are a girl who knows what she wants!
-         You have started waving at people.  I think you wave to say “hello”, but you also seem to wave when you want attention. 
-         Eagan and Grandmom can make you smile more quickly than anyone or anything else!

As you can see below, Tinsley was not too interested in taking her 8 month chair pictures.  She is a girl on the move!

You have no fear!!!

"Organizing" your bow basket ;-)

You no longer "walk" in your walker.  Calling it a "runner" would be a better description!

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