July 30, 2011

Tech support

"Tech support, this is Tinsley, how may I help you?"

I had hoped that Tinsley would be a little bit older before she was smarter than me, but she has officially "out-teched" me.  I have been trying to figure out how to turn the ringer down on our cordless phones since Tinsley was born. We have had the phones for about 5 years, and I managed to lose the manual.  I searched online and could not find an online manual and have tried numerous times to figure out in all of the programming menus how to turn down the ringers with no luck.  This evening, I was talking to Toby and after we hung up, I went into the kitchen and left the phone sitting on the floor by Tinsley in her room.  When I walked back in, Tinsley was pushing a bunch of buttons.  When I looked at the screen, it was in the "ringer volume" menu!!!!  I quickly used the arrow down buttons to turn down the volume.  I was smart enough to use the "back" function on the menus to go back to see how she got to that menu.  I was then able to turn down the volume on all the other phones in the house.  Thanks for the programming help Tinsley!

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