December 15, 2011

Swallow Study

We went today for the swallow study that the pediatric GI suggested we do.  Tinsley did really well. She had to fast for 4 hours again, but she was a trooper as usual.  They found that Tinsley has a "weak swallow", which they think is due to the reflux issues she has had.  They said that as most babies drink, they follow a suck/swallow, suck/swallow, suck/swallow pattern.  Tinsley, sucks whatever she is drinking in 3 times and then attempts to swallow.  This causes whatever she is trying to drink or eat to sit on the back of her tongue for an extended period of time and there is also residual left after she swallows which is likely what is causing the gagging/vomitting.  They recommended that we see a feeding therapist that is a speech or occupational therapist.  They feel that this is a situation that can easily rectified and the sooner we address it, the better.  Tinsley is getting older and is already starting to refuse basically anything we give her other than her bottle.  They think this is because she associates eating any type of solid with gagging/vomitting which is of course uncomfortable.  We are so thankful that we are not dealing with anything major.

Waiting, waiting, waiting

The swallow study was not as traumatic as the upper GI.  They put her in a seat that was somewhat like a carseat for the test instead of laying her flat on a table and strapping her down.  She did better drinking the barium because they put it in her her bottle.  We are so glad it is behind us!

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